A Lovely Cat
Today,when I go home after school,I see a lovely cat on the road,it is white and small.I find the cat follow me all the way home,it may lose the way to home.So I ask people if they have lost a cat,but nobody says they have a cat.At last,an old woman tells me her cat is white and small,the cat rushes to women.It find its host.
Lovely Cat
A week ago,my best friend gave me a lovely cat.I love it very much.It is special.Its fur is black not yellow.So I call it little black.It has the same taste with me.We all like eating fish.So,after it comes to my home,nearly every meal will appear fish.I like playing with it.It always makes me laugh.Every morning,it will wake me up.It brings much happiness for me.
Cats are cute animals,they are very special as well.
It has pointy ears,round eyes,little claws,and short but soft fur.Cats like eating fish and mice.They like to keep themselves clean,they do that by licking their fur.Also they are nocturnal animals,they sleep in the daytime and do most of their movements at night.
We should love cat,because cats are our friends,too.
Lovely Cat
A week ago,my best friend gave me a lovely cat.I love it very much.It is special.Its fur is black not yellow.So I call it little black.It has the same taste with me.We all like eating fish.So,after it comes to my home,nearly every meal will appear fish.I like playing with it.It always makes me laugh.Every morning,it will wake me up.It brings much happiness for me.
Today,when I go home after school,I see a lovely cat on the road,it is white and small.I find the cat follow me all the way home,it may lose the way to home.So I ask people if they have lost a cat,but nobody says they have a cat.At last,an old woman tells me her cat is white and small,the cat rushes to women.It find its host.
Today,when I go home after school,I see a lovely cat on the road,it is white and small.I find the cat follow me all the way home,it may lose the way to home.So I ask people if they have lost a cat,but nobody says they have a cat.At last,an old woman tells me her cat is white and small,the cat rushes to women.It find its host.
家里猫咪已经养了11年了,今天突然看不见东西了,眼球也变得暗红是什么原因...没证?目前中国各地都还没有对猫实行限养禁养政策,也不需要饲养人申领任何证件… 赶紧带它去看医生吧
猫生完后为何肚子不停的抖动!不用紧张,这些都是正常现象,我家猫都有过这种行为 症状1:老是吐舌头。说明它热,累。吃点好的调节一下就好了。症状2:肚子总是在抖动,总觉得它是不舒服
绿萝是什么样子的绿萝(学名: aureum),属于麒麟叶属植物,大型常绿藤本,生长于热带地区,常攀援生长在雨林的岩石和树干上,其缠绕性强,气根发达,可以水培种植。成熟枝上叶柄粗壮,长30-40厘
描写小猫的作文350字-600字(外形特征 吃食物时 睡觉时 游戏时)小黑猫那是在我七岁的时候,妈妈给我拿来了一只十分可爱的小黑猫.它长着一个胖咄咄的身体,全身都是黑色的,所以