狗狗 猫猫


展开全部【1.】The Old Cat
An old woman had a cat.The cat was very old;she could not run quickly,and she could not bite,because she was so old.One day the old cat saw a mouse;she jumped and caught the mouse.But she could not bite it;so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away,because the cat could not bite it.
Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse.She began to hit the cat.The cat said,"Do not hit your old servant.I have worked for you for many years,and I would work for you still,but I am too old.Do not be unkind to the old,but remember what good work the old did when they were young.



The Old Cat
An old woman had a cat.The cat was very old;she
could not run quickly,and she could not bite,because she was so old.One
day the old cat saw a mouse;she jumped and caught the mouse.But she
could not bite it;so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran
away,because the cat could not bite it.
Then the old woman became
very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse.She began to hit the
cat.The cat said,"Do not hit your old servant.I have worked for you for
many years,and I would work for you still,but I am too old.Do not be
unkind to the old,but remember what good work the old did when they were


都挺好的,看看原文。The Old Cat(一只老猫)
An old woman had a cat.The cat was very old;she could not run quickly,and she could not bite,because she was so old.One day the old cat saw a mouse;she jumped and caught the mouse.But she could not bite it;so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away,because the cat could not bite it.
Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse.She began to hit the cat.The cat said,"Do not hit your old servant.I have worked for you for many years,and I would work for you still,but I am too old.Do not be unkind to the old,but remember what good work the old did when they were young.



一只寂寞老猫 一个悲伤圣诞 有谁知道它原来的英文版本?

有一位著名的老年学家巴风,他在作了大量研究的基础上提出:动物,特别是哺乳动物的寿命,可为各自生长期的五至七倍。如狗的生长期为两年,可活十到十五年;猫的生长期为一年半,可活八至十年,牛的生长期为四年,可活二十至三十年,马的生长期为五年,可活三十到四十年。用此方法进行推算,对生物界几乎是完全适用的,对于人类也不例外。这种用生长期乘以五到七倍的数字,就被称为:“已风寿命系数”。一般认为,人类生长期的完成,需要二十到二十五年,因此人类可望活到一百至一百七十五岁。另外,还有一位著名的老年学家海弗里克,他把人体细胞进行体外培养,让这些细胞一代一代地遗传下去,结果他发现:人体细胞在某一天会全部死亡,即使给予最好的抗衰老物质“喂养”也不能起死回生,这个实验给他的启发很大,他想:是不是被培养的细胞在体外的分裂会有一个极限呢?经过较长时期和反复地研究,他终于发现:培养的人体细胞的分裂只有五十代,超过五十代以后,不管采用什么方法,细胞都是要衰老死亡的,这好像在细胞核里 有个“定时钟”,固定在五十代上,一旦走完这个时限,人体细胞必将死亡,这五十代即人体细胞的分裂极限。他的实验结果发表以后,很多科学家经过许多次的重复和验证,公认他的实验结果是正确的,于是将细胞至体外培养中分裂的这一限度称为:“海弗里克极限”。现在研究证实,每种动物都有他自己的“极限”,如海龟为九十至一百二十五次,可活到一百七十五年。细胞的培养代数越多,动物的寿命就越长,反之则短。在现代老年学中,海弗 里克极限已称为一条基本规律,细胞不仅在体外遵循这一规律,经过研究还表明,在体内也依照这一规律。根据以上的研究结果,我们可以说:人类本应该活到百岁以上。


The Old Man and the Old Cat
An old man has a cat.The cat is very old,too.He runs very quickly.And his teeth are bad.One evening,the old cat sees a little mouse.He catches it,but he can’t eat it because his teeth are not strong enough.The mouse runs away.
The old man is very angry.He beats his cat.He says:“You are a fool cat.I will punish you!the cat is very sad.He thinks:“When I was young,I worked hard for you.Now you don’t like me because I’m too old to work.You should know you are old,too.”


The Old Cat
An old woman had a cat.The cat was very old;she could not run quickly,and she could not bite,because she was so old.One day the old cat saw a mouse;she jumped and caught the mouse.But she could not bite it;so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away,because the cat could not bite it.
Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse.She began to hit the cat.The cat said,"Do not hit your old servant.I have worked for you for many years,and I would work for you still,but I am too old.Do not be unkind to the old,but remember what good work the old did when they were young.