威尔史密斯的<七磅>这个片子很发人深省的 非常感人 强推~
(当然当幸福来敲门很多人说了 一样很感人 同样推荐)
迫在眉睫(这个强力推荐 父爱的伟大 我看几遍哭几遍 震撼人心啊)
爱情与灵药(这部比较新 我是冲着安妮海瑟薇[公主日记女主角]跟杰克吉尔哈伦[后天 波斯王子 断背山男主演]去的 感觉争议会比较大 感人还是蛮感人的 男主角对女主角的深情是不错 不过就是裸露镜头太多 看个人喜好吧)
分手信(好吧 我是冲着查宁塔图姆[舞出我人生第一部主演]去的 从经历到演技到外形我都爱的一位男演员 不过这片子有点出乎预料 没想到在这类型的爱情片里他也游刃有余 进步了哈~)
PS.I love you(这个也是个出人意料的 斯巴达的男主演出其不意的变身温情男 一个去世丈夫对妻子的关怀 很感人 强推)
怦然心动(楼上说过了 同样推荐)
灵异第六感(布鲁斯威力演的惊悚片 好吧 这是部惊悚片 但是是让人看完以后热泪盈眶感动的稀里哗啦的-惊悚片 囧 99年的 你要觉得太老就忽略吧 不爱惊悚类也请略过)
成为简奥斯丁(爱情片 嗯 爱情片 女文艺青年的悲伤情史 可以看看 安妮海瑟薇的演技越来越不错了 赞一个)
判我有罪(又是个我最爱的男人啊.这片子全程有点黑色幽默 很有味道的)
最后一支歌(麦莉同学演技还需提高 片子一般 淡淡的温情片因为多了个老爹得绝症突然变得稍微有了点深度 推荐度一般)
马利与我(轻松诙谐幽默可爱的狗狗马利带来的感动 全片很欢乐 最后结局很感人 推荐~)
我爱你莫里斯(喜剧之王金凯利的片子 又是一部对GAY反感绕道的 推荐~)
好好先生(还是金凯利的 看名字就猜得到是什么片子了 推荐~)
风语者(凯奇啊吴宇森大神啊~是人不是人的都应该知道这部片子 感人是一定的 好看是一定的 喜剧么 看你怎么定义了)
其它的暂时没想到 这些是我看了以后临时想到的 我都看过哦~一个字一个字打出来的~求采纳~
There was a Akita dog named Hachiko,near the train station to find it in the 'master'
A chance encounter,destined to the fate of the beginning of a yoke,because the cargo workers do not pay attention,so that the public lost eight on the road,he met with it so,with the play,frolic together,eight public and not will be picking his school to teach the dog how it looks like picking,but it still will not,leaving the original mistress of the public against the eight,and daughter saw him picking the scene eight public education,in the call to another Adoption of the phone,she said"it has been adopted,"and that moment I felt as if I were relieved,the hostess finally agreed.
Conversion lens is Hachiko grow up,he can go to work,it also want to go to the expense of the pit under the fence to climb out,look for him,he had no option but to send it back to eight public and in its Grilled put a hole where the stone,preventing it out,but the time to work,it still jumped out to the site outside waiting for him to go home,and when he came out from the site and see when the full eight surprised the public,After that it agreed with him on eight public work,together with eight public and so with him to work every day,every night the guardian of time waiting for him outside the station,if that was the year after year,when one night,he laughter in the house with the hostess,but do not know why it heard the next day it says nothing to work with him,he had no choice but go first,but soon returned to his eight-place public to bite the ball and catch up,the side of his back while walking outside the site and saw it catch up when the ball dangling,very pleased,and tentatively throw the ball really picked it back,he was very happy,it was picking it first learned,just as his Friends said the Japanese Akita dog is not picking,and if one day it must have learned the reasons for picking;Yes,I think it was no longer afraid of his master's favorite bar,it is so like him.However,he took it to...
Richard gere as a professor at the university of parker in the small town station encounter a poor little akita dog,the figure of it alone make up his mercy,and for its owner has nothing,only a temporary foster care in the home,while his wife(Joan Allen),opposition,and tried to put it off,but to see her husband and daughter will take care of it and heartfelt love,finally decided to let it become a family member,because you know the little akita from Japan,and the collar that read"eight",on behalf of lucky,and parker called it"a small eight.
Eight male with parker family grow up together,from the dog gradually become a monster.Gentle parker in their leisure time training eight male,even on the ground his mouth demonstration action to eight male to pick up the ball,but he cannot teach eight and come back to pick up the ball and then parker's friend suggests that dog doesn't like dogs in the United States,Japan and akita this breed will not deliberately to please master,Hachi and you better because it is between you and emotional stumbles,unless you have between it and what change,it will go to pick up the ball.
Eight male with parker to work on time every day,from work at five o 'clock in the evening on time at the entrance to the railway station to meet parker,this is their dating time!In town station stationmaster,hot dog vendor,near the store owner's eyes are already accustomed to this picture,the people around you all like eight male,a butcher shop owner will give eight male,feeding and charged it don't tell your husband,and interesting is his ...
The film"loyal dog Hachiko story"adaptation since 1933 occurred in Japan's true story,the film tells the story of a university professor has adopted a Akita dog,named"Hachi".After the day,Hachiko morning will teach at the station in the evening waiting for him to go back together.Unfortunately,Professor illness died,never returned to the station.However,Hachiko after nine years still on time every day at the station waiting until finally died
Parke is a university professor,a day he to pass by at the train station,encountered a lost Akita dog,it seems destined for puppies and Professor Parke has some kind of fate,so the professor put the dog back home,even though his wife urged against the.But in the end Parke for the puppy love finally affect the wife,the wife is willing to become a member of the family dog,and named"s".
In the care of Parke 's growing every day at work,Parke will accompany Parke to the train station,the evening in train station waiting for Parke to come back.Unfortunately,Parke suddenly died of a heart attack,but it 's still believe that the master will come back,and so every time in the same place to wait,year after year,regardless of seasons,for ten years,until in a cold winter,a dream of a dream of happiness and the master come back die.
忠犬八公的故事剧情简介:Professor Li tsakir played on the encounter at the station in a small town poor little Akita dog,helpless figure it arouse his mercy,though his wife(Joan Allen decorated)stron.
BD-RMVB 804M 英语对白 内嵌中英双字幕
养雪纳瑞是种怎样的体验?这又是一个不请自来的回答 一个有点像猫的狗挺聪明的,基本的口令不到十次就会,.不掉毛,基本无体味,思…小鹿犬可以长到多大?体高25~30厘米,体重21133~5千克